Search Results

1004 records found. 50 records shown.
Author Year Title Document
Goncalves da Silva, Anders 2010 The Age of Tapiromics...
Janis, C. M. 1993 Tertiary Mammal Evolution in the Context of Changing Climates, Vegetation, and Tectonic Events
Norris, D. 2008 Terrestrial mammal responses to edges in Amazonian forest patches: a study based on track stations
Jordan, Christopher A. 2016 Terrestrial Mammal Occupancy in the Context of Widespread Forest Loss and a Proposed Interoceanic Canal in Nicaragua's Decreasingly Remote South Caribbean Region PDF Format  
Topham, K. 2002 Teaching your tapir to sit, stay, and roll over for blood collection
Jablonski, J. I. Xue-Ping Nina G. 2015 Tapirus yunnanensis from Shuitangba, a terminal Miocene hominoid site in Zhaotong, Yunnan Province of China PDF Format  
Centoducatte, Luana D'Avila 2011 Tapirus terrestris occurrence in a landscape mosaic of Atlantic Forest and Eucalyptus monoculture in southeast Brazil
Flesher, Kevin M. 2010 Tapirus terrestris in Espírito Santo, Brasil
Affonso, Renato de Oliveria 2002 Tapirus terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758) (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) in an area of Sub-tropical Forest in Southern Brazil: diet, habitat use and population density
Padilla, M. 1994 Tapirus terrestris
Padilla, M. 2010 Tapirus pinchaque (Perissodactyla: Tapiridae)
Stovall, J. W. 1934 Tapirus Haysii of Oklahoma
Santos, R. V. 1997 Tapirs, tractors, and tapes: The changing economy and ecology of the Xavante Indians of central Brazil
Earle, C. 1896 Tapirs past and present PDF Format  
Nordstrom, L. A. 2006 Tapirs and rhinoceroses in captivity: an examination of the North American captive populations and their husbandry
Burton, Maurice 0 Tapirs
Yin, U. T. 1967 Tapirs
Yin, U. T. 1993 Tapirs
Durette-Desset, M. C. 1997 Tapironema coronatum n. gen., n. sp. (Trichostrongyloidea - Cooperiidae - Obeliscoidinae), a parasite of Holochilus brasiliensis and Tapirus terrestris
Scherler, L. 2011 Tapiridae (Perissodactyla, Mammalia) of the Swiss Molasse Basin during the Oligocene-Miocene transition
Naranjo, E. J. 2009 Tapir: El mayor mamífero de las selvas Mexicanas
Fragoso, J. M. V. 1997 Tapir-generated seed shadows: scale-dependent patchiness in the Amazon rain forest
Constantino, Emilio 2002 Tapir surveys in Colombia
Dominici, S. 1995 Tapir remains in parai,ic deposits of pliocene age in lower Valdarno (Tuscany,Italy) : facies analysis and taphonomy
Ayala, G. 2002 Tapir ranging behavior and activity patterns in the tropical dry forest of the Gran Chaco PDF Format  
Mangini, Paulo Rogerio 2012 Tapir health and conservation medicine
Flesher, Kevin 2005 Tapir Extinction in the Rio de Contas and the Rio Paraguaçu
Quiroga, Grimaldo Soto 2003 Tapir diet (Tapirus terrestris) and seed dispersal in the Bolivian Chaco
Andrewin-Bohn, Jamal 2013 Tapir conservation trundles forward in Belize
Nogales-Somoza, Fernando 2010 Tapir conservation National Action Plan in Ecuador
Gilmore, Maurine 2007 Tapir behavior - an examination of activity patterns, mother young interactions, spatial use, and environmental effects in captivity on two species (Tapirus indicus and Tapirus bairdii) PDF Format  
Wallace, R. B. 2002 Tapir and hunting in the Tacama Indigenous Territory PDF Format  
Kitchens, J. A. 1988 Tapir And Associated Pleistocene Mammals From Archer County, Texas
Murphy, Michael R. 1997 Tapir (Tapirus) enteroliths
Rustioni, M. 2001 Taphonomic analysis of Tapirus arvernensis remains from the Lower Valdarno (Tuscany, Central Italy)
Júnior, Marcos César Bissaro 2008 Tafonomia como ferramenta zooarqueológica de interpretação: viés de representatividade óssea em sítios arqueológicos, paleontológico e etnográfico PDF Format  
Peres, C. A. 2001 Synergistic effects of subsistence hunting and habitat fragmentation on Amazonian forest vertebrates
Novaron, A. J. 1999 Sustentabilidad de la caza en el Neotrópico: ¿Cuán comunes son los sistemas de fuente y sumidero?
Zapata, R. G. 2001 Sustentabilidad de la cacería de subsistencia: el caso de cuatro comunidades Quichuas en la Amazonía Nororiental Ecuatoriana
Wack, R. F. 1997 Suspected neonatal isoerythrolysis in two Baird's tapirs (Tapirus bairdii)
Sternberg, S. 2002 Survez of tuberculin testing in Swedish zoos
Montali, Richard J. 1990 Survey Of Tuberculin Testing Practices At Zoos
Lambeth, R. R. 1998 Surgical management of an abdominal abscess in a Malayan tapir
Williams, K. 1991 Super snoots
Trudel, Olivier Cameron 2010 Sugarcane pre-harvest burning: a threat to megafaunal conservation in Brazil?
Miller, C. L. 2000 Successful treatment of oral squamous cell carcinoma with intralesional fluorouracil in a Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus)
Brandstatter, Frank 2004 Successful breeding of the Malay Tapir (Tapirus indicus) at Dortmund Zoo, Germany, with a "problem" female
De Souza-Mazurek, Rosélis Remor 2000 Subsistence hunting among the Waimiri Atroari Indians in central Amazonia, Brazil
De Souza-Mazurek, R. R. 2000 Subsistence hunting among the Waimiri Atroari Indians in central Amazonia, Brazil
Milewski, Antoni V. 2013 Structural and functional comparison of the proboscis between tapirs and other extant and extinct vertebrates.