Search Results

1004 records found. 50 records shown.
Author Year Title Document
Gonçalves da Silva, Anders 2007 Causes of Spatial Genetic Structure in Mammals: A Case Study in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil
MacFadden, B. J. 2000 Cenozoic mammalian herbivores from the Americas: Reconstructing ancient diets and terrestrial communities
Downer, Craig C. 2009 Cerro Negro: an important Mountain Tapir conservation area in the Piuran Andes, Piura and Cajamarca States, NW Peru
Lee, D. H. 2003 Characterization of flagellar antigens and insecticidal activities of Bacillus thuringiensis populations in animal feces
Mendoza, M. 2002 Characterizing complex craniodental patterns related to feeding behaviour in ungulates: a multivariate approach
Muniz-Pereira, Luís C 2009 Checklist of helminth parasites of threatened vertebrate species from Brazil PDF Format  
García Vettorazzi, Manolo José 2016 Clasificación del hábitat potencial del tapir centroamericano (Tapirus bairdii Gill, 1865) para su conservación en Guatemala PDF Format  
Vettorazzi, Manolo José García 2016 Classification of potential habitat of the Central American tapir (Tapirus bairdii Gill, 1865) for their conservation in Guatemala PDF Format  
Maffei, L. 2003 Clave para la identificación de edades de antas (Tapirus terrestris) en base de las piezas dentales
Grayson, D. K. 2002 Clovis hunting and large mammal extinction: A critical review of the evidence
Overall, K. L. 1980 Coatis, Tapirs, and Ticks - a Case of Mammalian Interspecific Grooming
Bach, F. 1986 Colic In A Malayan Tapir Caused By Ingested Sand
Zenzinger, Susanne 2009 Communication of Malayan and Lowland Tapirs (Tapirus indicus and Tapirus terrestris) kept in zoological gardens - experimental investigations and a survey of the keeping staff
Noss, A. J. 2001 Community attitudes towards wildlife management in the Bolivian Chaco
Steinmetz, R. 2008 Community structure of large mammals in tropical montane and lowland forest in the Tenasserim-Dawna Mountains, Thailand
Moyano, S. Rocio 2017 Comparative cranial ontogeny of Tapirus (Mammalia: Perissodactyla: Tapiridae) PDF Format  
Houck, M. L. 2000 Comparative cytogenetics of tapirs, genus Tapirus (Perissodactyla, Tapiridae)
Gayot, M. 2004 Comparative diet of the two forest cervids of the genus Mazama in French Guiana
Holbrook, L. T. 2001 Comparative osteology of early Tertiary tapiromorphs (Mammalia, Perissodactyla)
Brown, Janine L. 2018 Comparative ovarian function and reproductive monitoring of endangered mammals PDF Format  
Romero-Castañón, Salvador 2008 Comparative Parasitology of Wild and Domestic Ungulates in the Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, Mexico
Lynam, Antony J. 2012 Comparative sensitivity to environmental variation and human disturbance of Asian tapirs (Tapirus indicus) and other wild ungulates in Thailand
Noss, A. J. 2012 Comparison of density estimation methods for mammal populations with camera traps in the Kaa-Iya del Gran Chaco landscape
Flint, J. 1990 Comparison of the Alpha-Globin Gene-Cluster Structure in Perissodactyla
Smythe, N. 1986 Competition and Resource Partitioning in the Guild of Neotropical Terrestrial Frugivorous Mammals
Valdez, J. D. L. 2005 Comportamiento de copulación del tapir en la estación Sirena, Parque Nacional Corcovado, Costa Rica
Rocha, Ednaldo Cândido 2006 Composição e caracterização da fauna de mamíferos de médio e grande porte em uma pequena reserva de Cerrado em Mato Grosso, Brasil
Restrepo, Héctor F. 2006 Confirmación de la presencia del Tapir Centroamericano (Tapirus bairdii) en Colombia, y estudio preliminar sobre algunos aspectos de su historia natural en el Parque Nacional Natural Los Katíos
Mejia, Jaime A. Suarez 2002 Conflict between Mountain Tapirs (Tapirus bairdii) and farmers in the Colombian Central Andes
Carbonell, Fabricio 2007 Conservación en Ecotonos Interculturales y Transfronterizos: La Danta (Tapirus bairdii) en el Parque Internacional La Amistad, Costa Rica-Panamá
López Ornat, A. 1996 Conservación de la fauna silvestre en las llanuras de Tortuguero, Costa Rica: Ampliación del hábitat disponible y control de la caceria
Zimmerman, B. 2001 Conservation and development alliances with the Kayapo of south-eastern Amazonia, a tropical forest indigenous people
Medici, Patricia 2002 Conservation biology of lowland tapirs (Tapirus terrestris) and their potential as landscape detectives in the Pontal do Paranapanema, São Paulo State, Brazil
de Thoisy, B 2008 Conservation du tapir en Guyane
Wayne, Robert K. 2004 Conservation genetics in the new molecular age
Clement, Luc 2014 Conservation interests of applying spatial distribution modelling to large vagile Neotropical mammals.
MacLaren, Chloe 2014 Conservation of forest biodiversity and ecosystem properties in a pastoral landscape of the Ecuadorian Andes
Delgado, Leonardo Ordóñez 2007 Construcción participativa de la estrategia Nacional para la conservación de los Tapires del Ecuador
Dirzo, R. 1990 Contemporary Neotropical Defaunation and Forest Structure, Function, and Diversity - a Sequel
Hubbe, Alex 2008 Contextualização taxonômica, tafonômica e morfométrica dos remanescentes ósseos da megamastofauna da Grute Cuvieri (MG), um sítio paleontológico do Pleistoceno Tardio PDF Format  
Owen-Smith, Norman 2013 Contrasts in the large herbivore faunas of the southern continents in the late Pleistocene and the ecological implications for human origins
Torres, Denis Alexander 2004 Cooperative efforts for Lowland Tapir Conservation in Venezuela
Daily, G. C. 2003 Countryside biogeography of neotropical mammals: Conservation opportunities in agricultural landscapes of Costa Rica
Hulbert, Richard C. 2009 Cranial Morphology and Systematics of an Extraordinary Sample of the Late Neogene Dwarf Tapir, Tapirus Polkensis (OLSEN)
Waters, Siân 2015 Crop-raiding Baird’s Tapir Provoke Diverse Reactions from Subsistence Farmers in Belize PDF Format  
O'Brien, T. G. 2003 Crouching tigers, hidden prey: Sumatran tiger and prey populations in a tropical forest landscape
Linkie, Matthew 2013 Cryptic mammals caught on camera: Assessing the utility of range wide camera trap data for conserving the endangered Asian tapir
Constantino, Emilio 2005 Current distribution and conservation status of the Colombian Lowland Tapir (Tapirus terrestris colombianus) and the Baird's or Central American Tapir (Tapirus bairdii) in Colombia
Kosowska, B. 2015 Cytogenetic Examination of South American Tapirs, Tapirus Terrestris (Perissodactyla, Tapiridae), from the Wroclaw Zoological Garden PDF Format  
Cruz, Paula 2014 Daily activity patterns and habitat use of the lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris) in the Atlantic Forest