Search Results

114 records found. 14 records shown.
Author Year Title Document
Bodmer, R. E. 1994 Managing Wildlife to Conserve Amazonian Forests - Population Biology and Economic-Considerations of Game Hunting
Bodmer, R. E. 1990 Fruit Patch Size and Frugivory in the Lowland Tapir (Tapirus terrestris)
Bodmer, R. E. 1991 Strategies of Seed Dispersal and Seed Predation in Amazonian Ungulates
Bodmer, R. E. 1991 Influence of Digestive Morphology on Resource Partitioning in Amazonian Ungulates
Blake, John G. 2011 Mineral Licks as Diversity Hotspots in Lowland Forest of Eastern Ecuador
Blake, John G. 2011 Mineral Licks as Diversity Hotspots in Lowland Forest of Eastern Ecuador
Blake, J. G. 2014 Camera trapping on and off trails in lowland forest of eastern Ecuador: does location matter?
Bizerril, M. X. A. 2005 Fruit consumption and seed dispersal of Dimophandra mollis Benth. (Leguminosae) by the lowland tapir in the Cerrado of Central Brazil
Barcelos, Adriana Renata 2013 Seed germination from lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris) fecal samples collected during the dry season in the Northern Brazilian Amazon
Avila, Pamela 2002 Wet season Lowland Tapir Habitat preferences and food resource use in Lowland Moist Tropical Forest
Atran, S. 1999 Folkecology and commons management in the Maya Lowlands
Ahumada, Jorge A. 2013 Monitoring the status and trends of tropical forest terrestrial vertebrate communities from camera trap data: a tool for conservation.
Acosta, Igor da Cunha Lima 2013 Morphological and molecular characterization and phylogenetic relationships of a new species of trypanosome in Tapirus terrestris (lowland tapir), Trypanosoma terrestris sp. nov., from Atlantic Rainforest of southeastern Brazi PDF Format  
Acosta, Igor da Cunha Lima 2013 Morphological and molecular characterization and phylogenetic relationships of a new species of trypanosome in Tapirus terrestris (lowland tapir), Trypanosoma terrestris sp. nov., from Atlantic Rainforest of southeastern Brazil