Search Results

1004 records found. 50 records shown.
Author Year Title Document
Gilmore, Maurine 2007 Tapir behavior - an examination of activity patterns, mother young interactions, spatial use, and environmental effects in captivity on two species (Tapirus indicus and Tapirus bairdii) PDF Format  
Unknown 2007 Timber and tapirs
Bonar, C. J. 2007 Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma in an immature baird
Cyranoski, D. 2007 Logging: the new conservation
Lozano, E. P. 2007 Bases bio-ecológicas para una estrategia de conservación de Tapirus Terrestris (Linneaus 1758) en las Reservas Pacaya Samiria y Reserva Comunal Tamshiyacu - Tahuayo.
Reyna-Hurtado, R. 2007 Ungulate relative abundance in hunted and non-hunted sites in Calakmul Forest (Southern Mexico)
Sarmiento, A. M. D. 2007 Patrones en la distribución de los lugares de captura del tapir (Tapirus terrestris) con base en el conocimiento tradicional de las comunidades indigenas Andoque y Nonuya, y el asentamiento de Santander-Araracuara, Amazonia Colombiana
Ponches-Frango, R. A. 2007 Morfometría y descripción mofológica del pene erecto del tapir de tierras bajas (Tapirus terrestris, Linnaeus, 1758)
Clauss, M. 2007 A case of non-scaling in mammalian physiology? Body size, digestive capacity, food intake, and ingesta passage in mammalian herbivores
Murakami, Patricia Sayuri 2007 Identificação Molecular de Bactérias do Complexo Mycobacterium tuberculosis Em Quatis (Nasua tasua) E Antas (Tapirus terrestris)
Gonçalves da Silva, Anders 2007 Causes of Spatial Genetic Structure in Mammals: A Case Study in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil
Ferrero, B. S. 2007 A new upper Pleistocene tapir from Argentina: remarks on the phylogenetics and diversification of neotropical Tapiridae
Naranjo, E. J. 2007 Source-sink systems and conservation of hunted ungulates in the Lacandon Forest, Mexico
Tortato, M. A. 2007 Reproductive behaviour repertoire of semi-captive lowland tapir Tapirus terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758)
Canon 2007 Wildlife as Canon sees it
Beck, Harald 2006 The TSG Library becomes virtual
Benedetti, Adrian 2006 Rescuing Lucia - a Tapir for sale on the web
de Tófoli, Cristina Farah 2006 Frugivoria e dispersão de sementes por Tapirus terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758) na paisagem fragmentada do Pontal do Paranapanema, São Paulo PDF Format  
Rios, R. S. 2006 The effect of dung and dispersal on postdispersal seed predation of Attalea phalerata (Arecaceae) by bruchid beetles
Weckel, M. 2006 Jaguar (Panthera onca) feeding ecology: distribution of predator and prey through time and space
Holanda, Elizete 2006 New records of Tapirus from the late Pleistocene of southwestern Amazonia, Brazil
Bonar, Christopher J. 2006 Iron storage disease in tapirs
Chassot, Olivier 2006 Evaluación del hábitat para la Danta Centroamericana (Tapirus bairdii) en la Zona Norte de Costa Rica
Morais, Adriane A 2006 Dieta Frugivora de Tapirus terrestris e deposição de fezes: Contribuição para a dispersão de sementes e regeneração de florestas, Amazônia Central, AM. PDF Format  
de Thoisy, Benoit 2006 Population Dynamics and DNA Microsatellite Survey in the Lowland Tapir
Selkoe, K. A. 2006 Microsatellites for ecologists: a practical guide to using and evaluating microsatellite markers
Rocha, Ednaldo Cândido 2006 Composição e caracterização da fauna de mamíferos de médio e grande porte em uma pequena reserva de Cerrado em Mato Grosso, Brasil
Godley, Brendan 2006 Endangered Species Research: a new journal well designed for IUCN SSC Specialist Groups
Tobler, M. W. 2006 Habitat Preference, Feeding Habits and Conservation of Baird's in Neotropical Montane Oak Forests
Jewell, Zoe 2006 Preliminary analysis of footprints for Lowland Tapir identification
Naveda-Rodríguez, Adrián 2006 Etnozoologia de la Danta (Tapirus terrestris) en Venezuela
Restrepo, Héctor F. 2006 Confirmación de la presencia del Tapir Centroamericano (Tapirus bairdii) en Colombia, y estudio preliminar sobre algunos aspectos de su historia natural en el Parque Nacional Natural Los Katíos
Galetti, M. 2006 Seed survival and dispersal of an endemic Atlantic forest palm: the combined effects of defaunation and forest fragmentation
Tapia, Andrés 2006 Using PCR-SSCP as tool to detect polymorphism in Tapirs
Tapia, Andrés 2006 Ethnozoology of the Amazonian Tapir (Tapirus terrestris Linnaeus 1758) in the Sarayaku Community, Ecuador
Lizcano, D. J. 2006 Ecology and conservation of large mammals in the Northern Andes
Gracía Vettorazzi, Manolo José 2006 Caracterización de la dieta y el hábitat del tapir (Tapirus bairdii Gill, 1865) en ecosistemas ribereños del Parque Nacional Laguna Lachuá, Cobán, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala PDF Format  
Torres, Iván Lira 2006 Status and Conservation of Baird's Tapir in Oaxaca, Mexico
Nordstrom, L. A. 2006 Tapirs and rhinoceroses in captivity: an examination of the North American captive populations and their husbandry
O'Farill, G. 2006 Manilkara zapota: A new record of a species dispersed by tapirs PDF Format  
Pfeifer Coelho, I. 2006 Relações entre barreiros e a fauna de vertebrados no Pantanal, Brasil
Knoll, Fabien 2006 Paleoneurological evidence against a proboscis in the sauropod dinosaur Diplodocus
Unger, K. 2006 Follow the footprints
van der Made, J. 2006 A small tapir from the Turolian of Kreka (Bosnia) and a discussion on the biogeography and stratigraphy of the Neogene tapirs
Cruz, E. A.. 2006 Parasites of the central American tapir Tapirus bairdii (Perissodactyla : Tapiridae) in Chiapas, Mexico
Baker, C. 2006 A skull and associated skeletal parts of a Pleistocene tapir from Virginia
Escobedo, Annie 2006 La caza de animales silvestres por los Kichwas del Río Pastaza, Nor-Oriente Peruano: iniciativas de manejo comunal
García, M. J. V. 2006 Caracterización de la dieta y el hábitat del tapir (Tapirus bairdii Gill, 1865) en ecosistemas ribereños del Parque Nacional Laguna Lachuá, Cobán, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala.
Rocha, E. C. 2006 Seasonal evaluation of mammal species richness and abundance in the "Mario Viana" municipal reserve, Mato Grosso, Brasil
Schaftenaar, W. 2006 Monitoring of the oestrous cycle in a captive Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus)