Search Results

1004 records found. 50 records shown.
Author Year Title Document
Da Silva, M. A. O. 2011 Resorptive tooth root lesions in the Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus)
Caine, N. G. 1989 Responses by Red-Bellied Tamarins (Saguinus-Labiatus) to Fecal Scents of Predatory and Non-Predatory Neotropical Mammals
Bodmer, R. E. 1990 Responses of Ungulates to Seasonal Inundations in the Amazon Floodplain
Alger, S. J. 1998 Resting site microhabitat selection by Tapirus bairdii during the dry season in Corcovado National Park, Costar Rica
Bernal, L. A. R. 2008 Restriccion Quimica, Hematologia y Hallazgos Parasitarios del Proyecto Ecología y Conservación de la Danta de Montaña en los Andes de Colombia PDF Format  
Todd, S. 1977 Results of a survey of captive tapirs
Clauss, M. 2010 Retention of fluid and particles in captive tapirs (Tapirus sp.)
Galetti, Mauro 2017 Reversing defaunation by trophic rewilding in empty forests PDF Format  
Louys, Julien 2014 Rewilding the tropics, and other conservation translocations strategies in the tropical Asia-Pacific region
Labruna, Marcelo B. 2004 Rickettsia species infecting amblyomma cooperi ticks from an area in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Where Brazilian spotted fever Is endemic
Calouro, Armando Muniz 1999 Riqueza de mamíferos de grande e médio porte do Parque Nacional da Serra do Divisor (Acre, Brasil)
Silva, Cláudia Regina da 2001 Riqueza e diversidade de mamíferos não-voadores em um mosaico formado por plantios de Eucalyptus saligna e remanescentes de floresta Atlântica no municpípio de Polar do Sul, SP PDF Format  
da Silva, Claudia Regina 2001 Riqueza e diversidade de mamíferos não-voadores em um mosaico formado por plantios de Eucalyptus saligna e remanescentes de floresta atlântica no município de Pilar do Sul, SP. PDF Format  
Dudgeon, D. 2000 Riverine biodiversity in Asia: a challenge for conservation biology
Espinosa, Santiago 2014 Road Development and the Geography of Hunting by an Amazonian Indigenous Group: Consequences for Wildlife Conservation.
de Frefiftas, Marco A 2017 Roadkill records of Lowland Tapir Tapirus terrestris (Mammalia: Perissodactyla: Tapiridae) between kilometers 06 and 76 of highway BR-163, state of Pará, Brazil PDF Format  
Bodmer, R. E. 2001 Rural development and sustainable wildlife use in Peru
Kidney, B. A. 2008 Sarcoids in two captive tapirs (Tapirus bairdii): clinical, pathological and molecular study
Kutzer, E. 1967 Sarcoptesräude (Sarcoptes tapiri nov. spec.) bei Tapiren (Tapirus terrestris L.)
Yamini, B. 1988 Schistosomiasis and nutritional myopathy in a Brazilian Tapir (Tapirus terrestris)
Pérez-Flores, Jonathan 2016 Scoring Body Condition in Wild Baird’s Tapir (Tapirus bairdii) Using Camera Traps and Opportunistic Photographic Material PDF Format  
Rocha, E. C. 2006 Seasonal evaluation of mammal species richness and abundance in the "Mario Viana" municipal reserve, Mato Grosso, Brasil
Wallace, R. B. 2000 Seasonality and wildlife management in managed forests of Eastern Bolivia
Tapir Specialist Group, 2004 Second International Tapir Symposium - Conference Report, 10-16 January 2004
Pizo, M. A. 2001 Seed deposition patterns and the survival of seeds and seedlings of the palm Euterpe edulis
Norconk, M. A. 1998 Seed dispersal by neotropical seed predators
Rodrigues, M. 1993 Seed Dispersal by Tapir in Southeastern Brazil
Giombini, M. I. 2009 Seed Dispersal of the Palm Syagrus romanzoffiana by Tapirs in the Semi-deciduous Atlantic Forest of Argentina
Barcelos, Adriana Renata 2013 Seed germination from lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris) fecal samples collected during the dry season in the Northern Brazilian Amazon
Galetti, M. 2006 Seed survival and dispersal of an endemic Atlantic forest palm: the combined effects of defaunation and forest fragmentation
Fragoso, J. M. V. 2000 Seed-dispersal and seedling recruitment patterns by the last Neotropical megafaunal element in Amazonia, the tapir
Janzen, D. H. 1982 Seeds in tapir dung in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica
Novarino, Wilson 2007 Seminar on the breeding biology of Malay Tapirs in captivity in Indonesia
Pollock, C. G. 2003 Serial immobilization of a Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestrus) with oral detomidine and oral carfentanil
Furtado, M. M. 2010 Serologic survey for selected infectious diseases in free-ranging brazilian tapirs (Tapirus terrestris) in the Cerrado of Central Brazil
Carme, B. 2002 Severe acquired toxoplasmosis in immunocompetent adult patients in French Guiana
Pelizzon, Cristiane 2017 Sex identification of the extant mega mammal, the lowland tapir, Tapirus terrestris (Tapiridae, Mammalia), by means of molecular markers: new outlook for non-invasive samples PDF Format  
Vehrs, K. L. 1995 Shipping regulations, your worst nightmare
Gonthier, David J 2013 Short communication Large- and medium-sized mammal survey using camera traps in the Sikre River in the Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve , Honduras
March Mifsut, I. J. 1994 Situación actual del tapir en Mexico
Holbrook, L. T. 2004 Skulls of the eocene perissodactyls (Mammalia) Homogalax and Isectolophus
Zepelin, H. 1970 Sleep of Jaguar and Tapir - Prey-Predator Contrast
McDaniel, J. 2005 Smokey the Tapir: Traditional fire knowledge and fire prevention campaigns in lowland Bolivia
Knox Jones, J. 1965 Some Miskito Indian names for mammals
Earle, C. 1893 Some points in the comparative osteology of the tapir PDF Format  
Naranjo, E. J. 2007 Source-sink systems and conservation of hunted ungulates in the Lacandon Forest, Mexico
Salas, L. A. 2002 Spatial factors and stochasticity in the evaluation of sustainable hunting of tapirs
Papas, A. M. 1990 Species Differences In The Utilization Of Various Forms Of Vitamin E
Zulkurnain, S. A. 2015 Species diversity and mammals' conservation status in Jeli permanent forest reserve and Agropark University Malaysia Kelantan, Kelantan
Fontana, C. 2017 Sperm motility of Brazilian-tapir (Tapirus terrestris) pre and post-thawing PDF Format