Coulson, Jennifer O. |
2018 |
Yellow-headed Caracara and Black Vulture Cleaning Baird's Tapir |
da Silva, Marina Xavier |
2018 |
Effectiveness of Protected Areas for biodiversity conservation: Mammal occupancy patterns in the Iguaçu National Park, Brazil |
Dario, Fabio Rossano |
2018 |
Traditional knowledge of the wild mammals and their ecological interactions by community indigenous Apiaká, Southern Brazilian Amazon Rainforest |
de la Torre, J. Antonio |
2018 |
Assessing occupancy and habitat connectivity for Baird’s tapir to establish conservation priorities in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Mexico |
de Souza, Júlio César |
2018 |
Habitat use, ranching, and human-wildlife conflict within a fragmented landscape in the Pantanal, Brazil |
Delgado-Martínez, Carlos M. |
2018 |
An ignored role of sartenejas to mitigate water shortage hazards for tropical forest vertebrates |
Espinosa, Santiago |
2018 |
When roads appear jaguars decline: Increased access to an Amazonian wilderness area reduces potential for jaguar conservation |
Lavariega, Mario César |
2018 |
An open-access platform for camera-trapping data |
Ling, Lo Shea |
2018 |
A preliminary camera traps assessment of terrestrial vertebrates at different elevation gradients in Gunung Stong State Park, Kelantan, Malaysia |
Marlius, Erik |
2018 |
Activity Pattern of Malayan Tapirs (Tapirus Indicus Desmarest 1819) In Supayang Kalaweit Forest, Solok Regency, West Sumatra Province |
McCann, Gregory Edward |
2018 |
Malayan Tapir Tapirus indicus in Hadabuan Hills, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia |
Miñaca, Guevara |
2018 |
Evaluación de la criopreservación de semen fresco para la conservación de germoplasma de tapir amazónico (Tapirus terrestris) |
Moreira, Danielle O. |
2018 |
Determining the numbers of a landscape architect species (Tapirus terrestris), using footprints |
Orta-Martínez, Martí |
2018 |
First evidences of Amazonian wildlife feeding on petroleum-contaminated soils: A new exposure route to petrogenic compounds? |
Pires, Mathias M. |
2018 |
Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions and the functional loss of long-distance seed-dispersal services |
Raczka, Marco F. |
2018 |
The collapse of megafaunal populations in southeastern Brazil |
Tan, Win Sim |
2018 |
Observations of occurrence and daily activity patterns of ungulates in the Endau Rompin Landscape, peninsular Malaysia |
Tobler, Mathias W. |
2018 |
Do responsibly managed logging concessions adequately protect jaguars and other large and medium-sized mammals? Two case studies from Guatemala and Peru |
Tucker, Marlee A. |
2018 |
Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements |
Terborgh, John |
2018 |
Foraging impacts of Asian megafauna on tropical rain forest structure and biodiversity |
Brown, Janine L. |
2018 |
Comparative ovarian function and reproductive monitoring of endangered mammals |
de Frefiftas, Marco A |
2017 |
Roadkill records of Lowland Tapir Tapirus terrestris (Mammalia: Perissodactyla: Tapiridae) between kilometers 06 and 76 of highway BR-163, state of Pará, Brazil |
Da Silveira, Alexandre Welzel |
2017 |
Natural Infection of the South American Tapir (Tapirus terrestris) by Theileria equi |
Day, Jennifer Mae-White |
2017 |
Exploring Drivers of Gene Flow in Jaguars and Pumas in Southern Mexico via Molecular Scatology and Eco-Evo Simulations |
de Luca, Juliana Ranzani |
2017 |
Use of early and late successional forest patches by the endangered Lowland tapir Tapirus terrestris (Perissodactyla: Tapiridae) |
Espinosa, Santiago |
2017 |
Hunters' landscape accessibility and daily activity of ungulates in Yasuní Biosphere Reserve, Ecuador |
Ferreguetti, Átilla C. |
2017 |
Density, occupancy, and detectability of lowland tapirs, Tapirus terrestris, in Vale Natural Reserve, southeastern Brazil |
Fontana, C. |
2017 |
Sperm motility of Brazilian-tapir (Tapirus terrestris) pre and post-thawing |
Galetti, Mauro |
2017 |
Reversing defaunation by trophic rewilding in empty forests |
Gondim, Maria Fernanda Naegeli |
2017 |
Occurrence of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in lowland tapirs maintained ex situ in Brazil and Paraguay |
González, Tania Marisol |
2017 |
Movement behavior of a tropical mammal: The case of Tapirus terrestris |
Granados Pérez, Araceli |
2017 |
Presencia de Tapir (Tapirus bairdii, Gill) en el Ejido La Lucha Dos, Othón Pompeyo Blanco, Quintana Roo |
Kowalczyk, Karolina |
2017 |
Arterial Patterns of the Face in Perissodactyla |
MacLaren, Jamie A. |
2017 |
Interspecific variation in the tetradactyl manus of modern tapirs (Perissodactyla: Tapirus) exposed using geometric morphometrics |
Moyano, S. Rocio |
2017 |
Comparative cranial ontogeny of Tapirus (Mammalia: Perissodactyla: Tapiridae) |
Muangkram, Yuttamol |
2017 |
Genetic diversity of the captive Asian tapir population in Thailand, based on mitochondrial control region sequence data and the comparison of its nucleotide structure with Brazilian tapir |
Pandolfi, Luca |
2017 |
A mandible of Tapirus arvernensis from Central Italy |
Pelizzon, Cristiane |
2017 |
Sex identification of the extant mega mammal, the lowland tapir, Tapirus terrestris (Tapiridae, Mammalia), by means of molecular markers: new outlook for non-invasive samples |
Pereira, Saulo Gonçalves |
2017 |
Aspectos histológicos dos músculos da região da escápula e do braço de anta-Tapirus terrestris--Perisodactyla, Tapiridae |
Pereira, Saulo Gonçalves |
2017 |
Anatomia óssea e muscular do antebraço e mão de Tapirus terrestris (Perissodactyla, Tapiridae) |
Peters, M. |
2017 |
Neospora caninum abortion in a Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus) |
Sagastume-Espinoza, Kevin O. |
2017 |
First photographic evidence of the iconic big mammals of Honduras, Baird’s Tapir (Tapirus bairdii) and Jaguar (Panthera onca), in La Muralla Wildlife Refuge |
Schank, C. J. |
2017 |
Using a novel model approach to assess the distribution and conservation status of the endangered Baird’s tapir |
Vercammen, Francis |
2017 |
Encephalomyocarditis virus in a captive Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus) |
Wang, Yuan |
2017 |
The Early Pleistocene Gigantopithecus-Sinomastodon fauna from Juyuan karst cave in Boyue Mountain, Guangxi, South China |
Zavala-Páramo, Alfonso Sinuhé |
2017 |
Genetic variability in captive individuals of the endangered species Tapirus bairdii in Mexico |
Oliveira, Nathália Sampaio Silva |
2016 |
Ocupação por anta (Tapirus terrestris, Linnaeus 1758) em uma área de transição Cerrado e Mata Atlântica no sudeste do Brasil Belo |
Adyla, M. N. Nurul |
2016 |
Diversity and activity pattern of wildlife inhabiting catchment of Hulu Terengganu Hydroelectric Dam, Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia |
Arroyo-Arce, Stephanny |
2016 |
Relative abundance and activity patterns of terrestrial mammalian species, in Barra del Colorado Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica |
Azevedo, Fernando Cesar Cascelli |
2016 |
Puma (Puma concolor) predation on tapir (Tapirus terrestris) |