Record Details

Isaacs, Paola Johanna Cubides
Modelos de conectividad espacial empleando sistemas de información geográfica, calidad de hábitat y distribución caso tapir de montaña (Tapirus pinchaque) en el eje cafetero Colombiano
Facultad de Agronomía
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Bogota, Colombia
Geographic Information Systems;pattern analyst;tapir;connectivity;habitat quality;distribution
This paper presents a spatial connectivity model based on geographic information systems, habitat quality and species distribution. I use data distribution for the tapir (Tapirus pinchaque), obtained through GPS collars which were analyzed using point pattern analyst. Data were found to differ from a random pattern, presented grouping in space and a high autocorrelation evaluated through Moran indices. Also were calculated cross correlation between spatial variables (height, slope, cover, distance to rivers, distance to roads and distance to human settlements) to determine their relationship to the presence of the species and determine habitat quality. Subsequently, I develop a landscape structure analysis and were calculated structural and functional connectivity metrics using ArcGIS 9.3. Maps of habitat viability and least cost paths were generated to establish a model of functional connectivity, using the autocorrelation analysis and structure, to develop a methodology of spatial connectivity based on the use of Geographic Information Systems, habitat quality and distribution data.