Record Details

Taber, Andrew;Chalukian, Silvia C.;Altrichter, Mariana;Minkowski, Karen;Lizárraga, Leonidas;Sanderson, Eric;Rumiz, Damián;Ventincinque, Eduardo;Moraes, Edsel Amorim Jr;Angelo, Carlos de;Antúnez, Miguel;Ayala, Guido;Beck, Harald;Bodmer, Richard;Boher, Salvador B.;Cartes, José Luis;Bustos, Soledad de;Eaton, Don;Emmons, Louise;Estrada, Neyreda;Oliveira, Luiz Flamarion de;Fragoso, José;Garcia, Rony;Gomez, Claudia;Gómez, Humberto;Keuroghlian, Alexine;Ledesma, Karim;Lizcano, Diego;Lozano, Carolina;Montenegro, Olga;Neris, Nora;Noss, Andrew;Palacio Vieira, Juan Alejandro;Paviolo, Agustin;Perovic, Pablo;Portillo, Héctor;Radachowsky, Jeremy;Reyna-Hurtado, Rafael;Rodriguez Ortiz, Juliana;Salas, Leo;Sarmiento Duenas, Adriana;Sarria Perea, Javier A;Schiaffino, Karina;Thoisy, Benoit de;Tobler, Mathias;Utreras, Victor;Varela, Diego;Wallace, Robert B.;Zapata Ríos, Galo
El destino de los arquitectos de los bosques Neotropicales: Evaluación de la distribucíon y el estado de conservación de los pecaries labiados y los tapires de tierras bajas
Pigs, Peccaries and Hippos Specialist Group (IUCN/SSC) - Tapir Specalist Group (IUCN/SSC) - Wildlife Conservation Society - Wildlife Trustt
This report provides a range-wide status assessment of two of the most ecologically and economically important mammal species of the Neotropics. White-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) and lowland tapirs (Tapirus terrestris) have enormous ranges with the former species extending across tropical and subtropical habitats from Southern Mexico to northern Argentina, while the latter species is restricted to the South American portion of this distribution. These species are architects of ecosystems across the Neotropics through their vital roles in structuring plant communities. Both species have also long been key food sources for subsistence hunters throughout the region and international trade in white-lipped peccary products has also been economically significant, although threatening to the species where harvesting is unsustainable. As a result of overhunting and habitat destruction, both species are considered endangered or threatened in a number of countries, and are listed on Appendix II of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species). This study provides range-wide information for conservation planning and a baseline against which to evaluate future changes in these two species’ status and distribution. It also provides an indication of ecosystem health across their ranges since both species are highly susceptible to human pressures and are useful for monitoring habitat conservation status. To undertake this survey, top peccary and tapir biologists from fourteen countries across the Neotropics provided data and contributed to the analysis and conclusions.