Record Details

Foerster,Sonia H. ;Bailey, James E. ;Aguilar, Roberto ;Leandro, Danilo;Foerster, Charles R.
Cardiopulmonary effects and utility of a butorphanol / Xylazine / Ketamine anesthetic protocol for immobilization of free-ranging Baird's tapirs (Tapirus bairdii) in Costa Rica
Proceedings American Association of Zoo Veterinarians
Conference Proceedings
Tapir Bibliography
In the past, immobilizations of free-ranging tapirs have utilized an etorphine/acepromazine combination (Immobilon®, Reckitt and Colman, Hull, England). Problems with this protocol include the human safety hazard present when using etorphine, especially during night captures. The objective of this project was to devise an alternative anesthetic protocol that: 1) would be safe for the animals, 2) would be safer for the researchers 3) would provide rapid induction 4) would provide adequate immobilization 5) was reversible and 6) was relatively inexpensive. A butorphanol/xylazine combination was chosen because it fulfilled the above objectives and has been extensively applied and researched in the tapir?s close relative, the horse. The butorphanol/xylazine protocol afforded limited muscle relaxation; therefore, ketamine, another drug commonly used in the horse, was added to the protocol. This pilot study fulfilled two purposes: 1) to study the efficacy of the protocol for field situations and 2) initiate an in-depth look at the cardiopulmonary effects of the anesthetic protocol.