Ecology of a community of mammals in a seasonally dry forest in Roraima, Brazilian Amazon
Mammalian Biology
Journal Article
mammalian community density biomass Amazon tapir tapirus-terrestris non-flying mammals panama-canal-zone rain-forest census methods french-guiana maraca island body size abundance behavior Tapir Bibliography
A community of middle-sized and larger mammals was studied in a seasonally dry forest in the far north of the Brazilian Amazon. Diurnal and nocturnal surveys were carried out through the Line-transect method, in 5 different forest types along a 10-km transect. Data were collected on density, biomass, and use of the forest types, and forest strata by the mammals. The terrestrial community of mammals was more abundant than the arboreal one, with ungulates contributing to the bulk of the biomass, as a result of Maraca being highly seasonal. Overall densities were lower than in other sites in the neotropics, varying from 90.2 ind/km(2) in mixed forest, to 159.9 ind/km(2) in Terra Firme forest, whereas biomass, due to the contribution of large mammals, was much higher (2613.2 kg/km(2) in mixed forest, and 4351.6 kg/km(2) in Terra Firme forest). This study confirms that the animals surviving in Larger numbers in these highly seasonal forests, where food productivity may be very Low during the dry season, are those that have Larger home ranges and travel longer distances in search of food.