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Tapir Article Quick Search

The Tapir Specialist Group Virtual Library aims to make available all published articles on the four species of tapirs.

The TSG Virtual Library is a joint volunteer project of the Tapir Specialist Group (TSG) and San Diego Zoo Global (SDZG).

How to use the TSG Virtual Library
All users may browse article abstracts by searching by keyword. Use the advanced search option for more specific searches.
Currently, only TSG members will have an account and will be able to download full articles.

Do you have a tapir-related article to add?
Please send your document to Mathias Tobler.

New Features
The TSG Virtual library has been updateed to Atrium version 1.7 which introduces the following new features

  • Quick search in the header
  • Support for multiple workspaces
  • Support for the OpenURL Referrer that helps findign references in your local library
  • New user interface

  • More about TSG & SDZG.

Top-left, clockwise: Malayan, Bairds, Mountain, and Lowland tapirs
Photos, clockwise from top left: Malayan tapir (Jeremy Holden & Debbie Martyr, wild, Sumatra), Bairds tapir (Gilia Angell, captive, Belize), Mountain tapir (Jaime Suarez, wild, Colombia), Lowland tapir (Guillermo Lier, wild, Argentina)
TSG Virtual Library follows the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License. Anyone wishing to download articles in this database is required to agree to the terms of this license. A simplified interpretation is available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/